How Creators Can Easily Earn Six Figures From Their Newsletter

A newsletter is useless if it has no readers.

If there’s no one reading your content, there’s no way to make money.

When creators start a newsletter, most are often starting from 0 subscribers.

But creators have a clear advantage over the average person.

They already have an established social following online.

It could be on TikTok, Linkedin, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

This makes growing a subscriber base much easier and creators can often gain thousands of subscribers quickly.

But I often get asked, “How do I monetize my newsletter once I have subscribers.”

An excellent and important question indeed!

This is where email marketing shines. There are truly SO many ways to monetize.

You need 1,666 people paying $5 a month to earn $100K a year from a newsletter.

Read that again.

Don’t get me wrong, people aren’t just going to throw money at you because you have a newsletter.

You still need to provide value.

Value could be in the form of an inside peek into your life that you don’t post about on other platforms.

It could also be offering exclusive access to you as a creator or what you’re working on.

The point is, people are willing to pay monthly for newsletter access when value is present.

As a creator, with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, do you think you could get 1,666 people to pay for your newsletter?

Of course.

But that’s just the beginning.


Charging $5+/mo for a newsletter is the first level

The real superpower of a newsletter is all the other ways you can make money.

You could have ads, post affiliate links, do paid interviews/shoutouts, or simply sell a digital product on the backend and keep the newsletter free.

There are so many ways to monetize a newsletter without being salesy or gimmicky.

But you have to be careful how you speak to your audience.

This is where hiring an experienced newsletter copywriter comes into play.

The last thing you want to do is turn off your audience by sounding too transactional.

While you can see instant results, the newsletter game is a long play.

It’s why we chose to call our company Eternal Inbox.

“Eternal” means lasting forever.

Social media platforms can come and go.

It’s why so many creators choose to “cross-pollinate” their audience to other platforms.

You never know when a new algorithm change or platform regulation is going to wipe out what you’ve worked for.

Owned media (AKA a newsletter) is a totally different beast.

You own your audiences’ data and get to take them with you wherever you go.

This inherently means you have the control, not the platform you’re using.

It’s a refreshing feeling and often helps creators sleep better at night knowing they control their content distribution.


Final thoughts

As a creator, adding a newsletter to your social media strategy is powerful.

It can bring in multi-six figures and strengthen relationships with followers.

It’s a direct connection between creator and subscriber that builds trust over time.

If you’re ready to get serious about building this asset for your business, book a free call with us.

Well, that’s all for now.

Remember, don’t rent your audience, own it!

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways we can help you:

Book a call with us: We help creators own their audience and increase revenue by developing first-party data touchpoints with their followers to build strong relationships through owned media.

Download our free playbook: A proven lead-generation system built for creators who are tired of relying on the “algorithm” to fuel their growth.

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