Should Creators Build a Website or Newsletter First?

If you’re new to the newsletter game, here’s a quick tip:

When you hear "email subscribers," it means people who are supplying you with their first-party data.

Most people's problem? They have no offer or are not getting enough people to visit their website.

Now, here’s my hot take:

Why even bother with a website at the start?

How are you going to attract visitors?

When I ask people this, they usually smile and say something like, "I’ll use Google Search Engine Optimization, duh!"

But here’s the kicker: Google’s a mess.

The folks running it have pushed out an AI generator for search answers that comes up with crazy stuff that’s simply untrue or irrelevant.

After Google’s latest update, nobody really understands how SEO works anymore.

Sure, some claim they do.

But they’re bluffing.

So, again, how do you get people to a website?

The next answer I get is usually social media.

Since we work with creators who have already built up an online presence, that’s a pretty good answer.


There are over 2.5 billion active users on YouTube, 500 million on X (formerly Twitter), and more than a billion on LinkedIn.

These platforms are fantastic for grabbing attention and directing people to your site.


What happens then?

Do they bookmark the page?

Do they tell their spouse?

Do they wake up and visit the site every day?


They’ll spend a couple of seconds on your page and then leave, forgetting you forever.

That’s why I say don’t waste your time on a website in the beginning if you already have built a good-sized following on a social platform.

It’s a drain on your time and money.

The smartest way to build a truly engaged audience is through social media leading to a newsletter.

This way, when you catch someone’s interest, they can become a lifelong fan you can contact at any time.

Not just a casual social media follower you have to fight the “algorithm” to impress.

Email subscribers who sign up are literally giving you permission to contact them with their personal email address.

This means, they’ll eagerly read your new articles, pay for your products, and maybe even inquire about advertising inside your newsletter or on your social media platforms.

No website needed.

But you absolutely need a newsletter.

It’s simply a non-negotiable in today’s cutthroat social media landscape.

If you see value in harnessing your social media presence, to turn casual followers into engaged subscribers, book a free call with us.

That’s all for now. See you in the next one!

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways we can help you:

Book a call with us: We help creators own their audience and increase revenue by developing first-party data touchpoints with their followers to build strong relationships through owned media.

Download our free playbook: A proven lead-generation system built for creators who are tired of relying on the “algorithm” to fuel their growth.

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