The Reality of Unsubscribes - It's Not You, It's Me.

The dreaded unsubscribe.

Yea, that person doesn’t want to hear from you anymore.

How does that make you feel?

Is it something you said, or are they just crazy?!

Truth is, it happens to even the best newsletters and online writers. 

The fact is that some people just aren’t a good fit for your content or what you’re offering. 

At one point they may have gotten value, or have been interested, but people change. 

And that’s ok.

Regardless, you’d want to know why a person unsubscribed right? 

That’s where unsubscribe surveys come into play. 

You no longer have to guess why people are unsubscribing from your list anymore.

I use Convert Kit, but almost any good email software will have this survey option. If not, you would be able to set it up via a third party integration.

Here the subscriber will be able to choose their reason for unsubscribing (they can only select one):

  • I no longer want to receive these emails
  • I never signed up for this mailing list
  • The emails are inappropriate
  • The emails are spam and should be reported
  • Other reason

From there, you’ll want to monitor results and tweak your approach if a specific answer is unanimous. 

At the end of the day don’t feel bad when people unsubscribe.

It’s better to have a clean list of subscribers who want to hear from you rather than a bunch of dead email addresses taking up space in your account. 

After all, many email softwares base monthly pricing off of send volume and subscriber count.

Well, that’s all for today.

See you in the next one!

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